
My name is Bunny.  My aunties named me that because when I was tiny, I just wanted to run, run, run!  My mom and I were on the streets, she was just a young kitten herself.  I was trapped first and my Critteraid family went to work helping me settle in.  Sadly, my mom was pregnant again and very sick.  Her story did not have the happy ending that my family here wanted.  She was the reason I found this family at Critteraid.  Now I am part of a ragtag trio of tabbies!  Dean, Alvin and I like to play the confusing game of which one is which?  I am not a please pet me or sit on your lap type of girl but would keep you company from afar.  Who knows, in my own home, I may become a lot more confident.

Life Stage




Length of Stay at Critteraid

Over 1000 Days

Type of Animal


Read more about the adoption process and fees here.